Kody do Gier - Rome – Total war

kody do Rome – Total war

Published by in PC, Wszystkie on listopad 20th, 2011

Na mapie kampanii wciśnij tyldę [~] i wpisz:

bestbuy – jednostki są tańsze o 10%

jericho – zburzenie murów

auto_win attacker/defender – zwycięstwo obrońcy lub atakującego w następnej bitwie (rozstrzyganej w systemie Auto Resolve)

toggle_fow – wyłączenie mgły wojny

process_cq settlement – natychmiastowa budowa wszystkich budynków w kolejce

list_traits – lista wszystkich cech

force_diplomacy accept/decline/off – akceptacja naszej propozycji dyplomatycznej przez dany kraj

invulnerable_general X – nieśmiertelny generał (X – nazwa generała)

date year – zmiana daty

kill_character X – zabicie określonego generała (X – nazwa generała)

season summer/winter – zmiana pory roku

capture_settlement X – przejęcie danej osady (X – nazwa osady)

add_money X – pieniądze (X – ilość gotówki)

add_population Y X – zwiększenie populacji wioski (Y – osada, X – ilość populacji)

move_character Z X,Y – przesunięcie armii na dany punkt mapy (Z – generał, X i Y – współrzędne)


przykładowe wprowadzenie kodu na jednostkę:

create_unit „Arretium” „roman arcani” 5 7 8 8

Poniżej dość spora ilość nowych kodów

Effect Kody
Informacje o wprowadzanym kodzie <command> ?
10% tańsze jednostki gamestop or bestbuy
40% bigger elephants in campaign mode oliphaunt
burzenie murów jericho
Dodaje wskazaną ilość gotówki add_money <1-40000>
Zwiększa populacje iasta add_population <city name> <number>
zwycięstwo obrońcy lub atakującego w następnej bitwie (rozstrzyganej w systemie Auto Resolve) auto_win <attacker or defender>
Creates a unit in the selected settlement
or characters army with the stats you input
create_unit <settlement or character> <unit ID> <amount> <exp or armor or weapon>
Wyłączenie mgły toggle_fow
Give character the trait at indicated level give_trait <character> <trait> <number>
Complete all building in construction queue; can only be used once process_cq <city name>
Complete all military units in recruitment queue; can only be used once process_rq <city name>
Lists all traits list_traits
Move indicated character to desired coordinates move_character <name> <x,y>
Give points for indicated character’s trait give_trait_points <character> <trait> <number>
Force opponent to accept diplomatic proposal force_diplomacy <accept, decline, or off>
General invincibile in combat invulnerable_general <character>
Changes date date <year>
Kill indicated character kill_character <character>
Change season season <summer or winter>
Capture indicated city capture_settlement <city name>
Toggle tabbed output window display toggle_tow
Toggle camera restrictions toggle_restrictcam
Give character an ancillary give_ancillary <character> <ancillary>
Reset character to start of turn settings character_reset
Show cursor position and region ID show_cursorstat
Toggle the terrain to display various data sets;
no parameter resets to normal
Give character points for trait give_trait_points
List all available ancillaries list_ancillaries
Give the character movement points mp <value>
List all characters in the world or those belonging to a faction list_characters
Show landing positions available to the AI from a given region;
default hides them
Apply filter to world map coastlines filter_coastlines
Toggle strategy map coastline display toggle_coastlines
Set health of building of the specified type in a settlement set_building_health <value>
Set maximum speed of turn processing during AI round ai_turn_speed <value>
Set aerial map overlay depth bias for minimum zoom amdb_min <value>
Set aerial map overlay depth bias for maximum zoom amdb_max <value>
Set aerial map overlay offset towards camera amdb_offset <value>
Zoom to specified aerial map zoom zoom <value>
Set denominator of the faction ranking graph interval
(calculated as number_of_turns divided by denominator);
if 0, then denominator will be set to number_of_turns
for an interval of 1
set_ranking_interval <value>
Regenerate radar regenerate_radar
Adjust sea bed to specified height adjust_sea_bed <value>
Reload all vertex shaders reload_shaders
Reload all textures reload_textures
Fire toggle_game_update <mt, toggle, reload, or int>
Toggle everyone’s spying ability to perfect and infinite range toggle_perfect_spy
Toggle building debug mode building_debug
Force display reset cycle reset_display
Toggle underlay toggle_underlay
Toggle overlay toggle_overlay
Set diplomatic stance between the two factions diplomatic_stance <value>
Unknown shadow
Unknown ie
Add all ancillary to the character info display test_ancillary_localisation
Toggle display of simple performance times of game update vs. display perf_times
Ignite all piggy winks burn_piggies_burn
Test the event message specified in descr_event_enums.txt test_message
Display defensive terrain features show_terrain_lines
Toggle message collation (sets all factions) message_collation_set
Toggle show all messages to all factions show_all_messages
Clear all stacked messages clear_messages
Unknown puppify_my_love
Unknown reapply_rigid_model_influence
Toggle display of campaign map flowing water toggle_flowing_water
Toggle display of network stats nw_stats
Toggle pr mode toggle_pr
List all units in an army list_units
Show victory message for faction for short or long campaign victory
Trigger advice trigger_advice
Damage wall of settlement damage_wall <none, gate, or breach>
Open victory scroll declaring that the given faction is the victor test_victory_scroll
Trigger unit upgrade effect upgrade_effect
Force local player’s alliance to win the battle force_battle_victory
Force local player’s alliance to lose the battle force_battle_defeat
Output positions of all units in the battle to the specified file output_unit_positions <filename>
Show all valid processed paths in pathfinder show_battle_paths
Show all valid processed paths in pathfinder for specific unit given a unit ID show_battle_paths_for_unit <value>
Show the street plan for the settlement show_battle_street_plan
Display a marker at x, y for t seconds show_battle_marker <value>
Display a circle at x, y of r radius for t seconds show_battle_circle <value>
Remove faction from the game kill_faction <value>
Create diplomacy mission diplomacy_mission
create event at position event <value>
Switch player control to specified faction; old faction may not act correctly as AI faction control <value>
Create building of the specified type in a settlement create_building <value>
Disable AI disable_ai
Halts turn sequence just before the start of the specified
faction’s turn, or the current faction if no faction given
halt_ai <value>
Restarts an AI turn sequence run_ai
Eliminate Arse trait line give_trait „Arse” „<character name> ” 0
Eliminate Feck trait line give_trait „Feck” „<character name> ” 0

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Ciągle poszukujemy nowych kodów do gier. Jeśli chcecie możecie się podzielić nowymi kodami z nami :).