Kody do Gier - Prototype 2 (Xbox 360)

kody do Prototype 2 (Xbox 360)

Published by in Wszystkie, Xbox on kwiecień 22nd, 2012

Wykonaj następujące czynności aby odblokować następujące osiągnięcia:

Anger Management (20 points): Destroyed 5 vehicles using a Finisher.
So Above It All (20 points): Spend at least 25 consecutive seconds in the air (helicopters don’t count).
Vitamin B-rains (10 points): Acquired 10 upgrades through Consumes.
Eating Your Way to the Top (30 points): Acquired 30 upgrades through Consumes.
Finally Full (50 points): Acquired all 46 upgrades through Consumes.
Icarus (15 points): Reached the highest point in the world.
Spindler’s Search (40 points): Destroyed all Lairs.
//BLACKNET Hacker (40 points): Completed all //BLACKNET dossiers.
One by One (20 points): Stealth Consumed 50 Blackwatch troopers.
Wanted Man (20 points): Triggered 50 alerts.
All Growed Up (50 points): Fully upgraded Heller.
Master Prototype (50 points): Completed the game on HARD difficulty.
It’s an Epidemic (10 points): Complete MEET YOUR MAKER.
I Want Some More (10 points): Complete RESURRECTION.
Religious Experience (10 points): Meet Father Guerra.
This is a Knife (20 points): First Prototype Power aquired.
Project Closed (20 points): Completed a //BLACKNET mission.
The Mad Scientist (30 points): Complete NATURAL SELECTION.
Something to Live For (30 points): Complete FALL FROM GRACE.
What a Bitch (30 points): Complete LABOR OF LOVE.
Murder your Maker? (100 points): Complete the game.
Follow Your Nose (30 points): Found all BlackBoxes.
Up to No Good (30 points): Defeated all Field Ops teams.
Strike, You’re Out. (10 points): Destroyed a Strike Team in 15 seconds or less.
Compulsive Eater (10 points): 5 consumes in 10 seconds or less.
Do the Evolution (20 points): Acquired 5 Mutations.
Just a Flesh Wound (10 points): Dismembered a Brawler.
All Together Now (20 points): 10 or more kills with a single Black Hole attack.
Back Atcha! (20 points): Deflected 5 missiles at enemies using Shield Block.
Two for the Price of One (20 points): Simultaneously killed 2 Brawlers using a single Devastator.
Lair to Rest (15 points): Destroyed a single Lair.
Hijack Be Nimble (15 points): Stealth hijacked 5 tanks or APCs.
Road Rage (20 points): Destroyed 10 Blackwatch tanks, APCs or helicopters using a single hijacked tank or APC.
Who Watches the Watchers? (20 points): Consumed 10 //BLACKNET targets.
Hard to Please (20 points): Acquired a Mutation in each of the 5 categories.
The Floor is Lava (15 points): Traveled a half mile using only Wall Run, Glide, Jump and Air Dash.
Cannonball! (10 points): 20 or more kills with a single Hammerfist dive attack.
You’re the Bomb (10 points): 10 or more kills using a single Bio-Bomb.
Sic ’em! (20 points): Destroyed 5 helicopters using Pack Leader.
Over-Equipped (20 points): Weaponized 10 vehicles.
The Best Offense (20 points): Countered enemy attacks 20 times using Shield.
Arcade Action (10 points): Karate kicked a helicopter.
I Caught a Big One! (10 points): Mounted a helicopter using Whipfist.

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