Kody do Gier - Doodle Alchemy kombinacje

kody do Doodle Alchemy kombinacje

Published by in Android on wrzesień 3rd, 2014

Poniżej lista kombinacji jakie możecie wykonać w grze. Polecamy również próbowanie na własną rękę. Zawsze pozostaje coś jeszcze nie odkrytego. Jakieś kombinacje na które nikt nie wpadł


earth + fire = lava
air + earth = dust
air + fire = energy
energy + air = storm
fire + dust = ash
lava + air = stone
fire + stone = metal
water + stone = sand
energy + metal = electricity
water + air = steam
metal + steam = boiler
fire + sand = glass
water + earth = swamp
fire + water = alcohol
swamp + sand = clay
swamp + energy = life
alcohol + water = vodka
water + life = weeds
swamp + life = bacteria
swamp + weeds = moss
earth + moss = grass
swamp + grass = reed
water + bacteria = plankton
life + sand = seeds
life + ash = ghost
life + stone = egg
egg + earth = dinosaur
dinosaur + fire = dragon
air + egg = bird
swamp + moss = fern
clay + life = golem
golem + life = human
human + fire = corpse
human + human = sex
life + corpse = zombie
zombie + corpse = ghoul
human + energy = wizard
wizard + energy = demigod
seed + earth = tree
human + metal = tools
metal + tools = weapons
weapons + man = hunter
hunter + weapons = warrior
warrior + dragon = hero + blood
blood + human = vampire
fire + clay = bricks
tools + reed = paper
bird + hunter = meat + feather + blood
tree + tool = wood
feather + paper = book
swamp + bacteria = worm + sulfur
tree + fire = ash + ash + coal
coal + boiler = steam-engine
human + alcohol = alcoholic
sand + worm = snake
snake + water = fish
water + coal = oil
plankton + fish = whale
snake + tools = poison
poison + weapon = poisoned weapon
poisoned weapon + human = assassin
wood + tool = wheel
earth + tools = field
field + seeds = wheat
wheat + stone = flour
flour + water = dough
dough + fire = bread
bread + alcohol = beer
sand + egg = turtle
swamp + egg = lizard
wood + wheel = cart
cart + steam engine = locomotive
bird + fire = phoenix
lizard + earth = beast
beast + vampire = werewolf
worm + earth = beetle
fire + grass = tobacco
beetle + sand = scorpion
tobacco + paper = cigarette
wood + water = boat
cart + beast = chariot
hunter + beast = meat + wool + blood
human + clay = ceramics
human + stone = hut
stone + plankton = shell
shell + stone = limestone
limestone + clay = cement
tools + wool = fabric
human + beast = domesticated animal
life + tree = treant
weeds + earth = mushroom
water + cement = concrete
concrete + bricks = house
fish + beast = dolphin
wood + boat = ship
oil + cart = car
car + air = airplane
fabric + human = clothes
air + worm = butterfly
storm + bird = thunderbird
glass + house = skyscraper
domestic animal + grass = milk + fertilizer
limestone + fertilizer = saltpeter
saltpeter + sulfur = gunpowder
weapon + gunpowder = firearm
ship + fabric = frigate
ship + steam engine = steamship

void + glass = lightbulb
void + electricity = radio wave
light bulb + radio wave = tv
tv + book = computer
radiowave + radiowave = radiation
metal + radiation = plutonium
plutonium + weapon = Nuclear Bomb
computer + radio wave = cell phone
energy + fire = plasma
plasma + void = sun
sun + grass = flower
sun + flower = sunflower
tree + flower = apple
sand + tree = palm tree
seeds + energy = coffee
void + airplane = rocket
Void + rocket= Satellite
Radio wave + fire = laser
laser + book = CD
metal + water = quicksilver
quick silver + demigod = philospers stone
Apple + cell phone = gold
human + computer = cyborg
computer + computer = internet


commandments + human = religion
religion + human = law + sin
Beast + house = cat + dog
tools + law = mechanism
alcoholic + ship = pirate
alcoholic + house = tavern
sand + glass = clock
waater + glass = ice
book + human = knowledge
warrior + firearm = soldier
gold + paper = money
knowledge + fish = octopus
bacteria + milk = cheese
money + human = work
beetle + work = ant
human + bacteria = virus
mechanism + book = typewriter
knowledge + human = scientist
fish + egg = caviar
apple + dough = pie
law + soldier = policeman
ice + milk = ice cream
knowledge + virus = medicine
fire + meat = steak
reed + field = sugar
ice + mechanism = freezer
sex + human = fun
reed + human = music
human + rocket = astronaut
corpse + electricity = death metal
medicine + bacteria = antibiotics
music + alcohol = rock-n-roll
alcohol + grass = absinthe
money + skyscraper = bank
computer + virus = hacker
coffee + vodka = b-52
law + fun = games
alcohol + pirate = rum
sugar + bread = cookies
alcoholic + money = hangover
money + bank = debt
debt + money = credit card
vodka + firearm + russian roulette
sex + sex = censored
typewriter + human = journalist
life + void = alien
fire + vodka = molotov cocktail
milk + vodka = white russian
water + water = sea
sun + sea = salt
rocket + alien = ufo
beast + medicine = rat
vodka + worm = tequila

magic + void = darkness, light
magic + knowledge = spell
magic + music = bard
magic + religion = priest
magic + priest = prayer
magic + water = potion
magic + beast = unicorn
magic + paper = scrool
light + darkness = shadow
spell + air = illusion
spell + ice = cone of cold
spell + fire = fireball
spell + book = spell book
prayer + priest = healing
light + life = angel
darkness + earth = underground
wizard + zombie = necromancer
wizard + house = tower
beast + darkness = demon
darkness + energy = death
death + healing = resurrection
warrior + priest = paladin
life + void = chaos, order
chaos + void = astral
astral + spell = teleport
astral + death= illithid
astral + metal = silver
law + assassin = rogue
mechanism + life = modron
human + metal = armor
human + weapon = sword, crossbow
human + magic = elf
human + elf = half-elf
human + swamp = orc, goblin
human + tree = druid
human + stone = dwarf
elf + darkness = drow
elf + metal = methril
elf + weapon = bow
house + armor = castle
weapons + magic = wand
priest + weapon = mace
drow + metal = adamantite
dwarf + darkness = duergar
dwarf + weapon = axe, hammer
beast + weapon = claws

human + sword = warrior
dwarf + axe = warrior
warrior + priest = paladin
warrior + dragon = steak
magic + book = spell book
magic + human = elf
human + spell book = wizard
elf + spell book = wizard
warrior + wizard = adventurers
wizard + paladin = party
king + adventurers = quest
king + party = quest
adventurers + dragon = ash + steak
party + dragon = dead dragon
adventurers + quest = experience + gold
adventurers + experience = party
quest + dragon = mountain
mountain + dragon = lair
lair + rogue = secret door
dead dragon + party = key
secret door + key = trap
trap + wizard = ash + maze
maze + party = experience + gold + princess

human + human = birth, love
human + order = discipline
human + fun = cheerfulness
human + religion = faith
human + faith = salvation
human + work = diligence
human + money = gift
gift + cellphone = free apps
free apps + cellphone = altruism
fun + money = donation
donation + money = charity
charity + human = generosity
order + alcohol/vodka = abstention
life + death/corpse = resurrection
sin + light = virtue
virtue + human = tolerance, assistance
virtue + energy = calmness
virtue + fun = joy
virtue + wrath = humility
virtue + pride = modesty
virtue + faith = hope
water + bread = diet
diet + grass/weeds = vegetarianism
diet + religion = fasting
sex + knowledge = sublimation
sex + priest = chastity
sex + wizard/scientist = continence

sand + fire = glass
metal + water = quicksilver
Void + fire = sun
Water + fire = alcohol
magic + quick silver = Philosopher’s stone
death + human = zombie
philo + metal = gold
worm + alcohol = tequila
alcohol + water = vodka
human + tree = wood
Human + metal = weapon
human + weapon = assasin
alcohol + grass = resinthe
philosoper’s stone + water = beer
music + wood = guitar
zombie + human = brains
assassin + chaos = joker
magic + glass = crystal ball
sun + glass = sunglasses
human + wheat = bread
void + weapon = Death Star
assassin + water = pirate
pirate + alcohol = rum
religion + death = sacrifice

293 komentarze

  1. asdas pisze:

    hourglass + life = time

  2. aeGU7FEg pisze:

    512232 113457Nicely worded post will probably be sharing this with my readers this evening 346761

  3. Boozer pisze:

    Flower + tree = Fruit
    Grass + fruit = berry

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